LOW MOOR — Alleghany Highlands Public Schools’ bus routes and schedules for the 2024-2025 school year are listed below. AHPS students begin the school year on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
The Transportation Routes and Schedules List can be found here.
Parents and students are encouraged to review the bus routes and schedules for their child(ren) and identify the child(ren)’s bus number and pick-up/drop-off time. Please note that some bus numbers and routes have changed from the previous school year.
The bus routes and schedules were developed from the AHPS student information system, PowerSchool, that lists student addresses reported by families. The schedule does not list individual student stops. If you need assistance determining the best bus stop for your child or with other related questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 540-965-1809. Your child’s school may also be able to be of assistance.
Students should be at their bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the expected arrival time of the bus. Modest delays for arrival and drop off are normal during the first few days of school, but it is important to be on time in all cases to keep buses running smoothly.
In the interest of safety and order, it is important that all students comply with the directions of bus drivers and follow all school bus safety rules. Drivers may assign seats and require students to follow specific procedures at bus stops prior to boarding, and due to the potential for choking and other health risks, students are not allowed to eat on buses. A list of safety rules is included in the Alleghany Highlands Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook which is distributed to each student during the first week of school. Parents should review the rules with their child(ren) and stress the importance of following the rules.
As announced earlier this summer, elementary and secondary bus routes in the Callaghan and Sharon areas have been largely combined. The school hours at Callaghan Elementary and Sharon Elementary are now aligned with Mountain View Elementary and Jeter-Watson Elementary, with each school having student days that start at 8:10am and end at 2:50pm.
“This change is designed to help decrease bus cancellations,” said Christina Lemaster of the AHPS Transportation Department.
The bus route list is organized by elementary school zone, including for secondary bus runs. Families who have difficulty locating their bus routes should call the bus garage at 540-965-1809. Routes will be refined as usual as the school year progresses, and affected families will be notified as needed directly.
AHPS staff note that they are proud of the many students who make positive decisions about their behavior on school buses. AHPS bus drivers work hard to develop and maintain positive relationships with students, an important support for good student behavior.
“Our children are certainly the treasures of our community,” said Kim Halterman and Melinda Snead-Johnson, leaders of AHPS. “We are so grateful for our transportation staff who help our kids get safely to and from school.”
Individuals interested in becoming bus drivers and/or car drivers for unique transportation needs are encouraged to contact the AHPS Bus Garage at 540-965-1809 or the AHPS Central Office at 540-863-1800.
With approximately 2,700 students, AHPS was created when Alleghany County Public Schools, Covington City Public Schools, and Jackson River Technical Center merged in July 2022. The school division is jointly funded by Alleghany County and the City of Covington.
AHPS news and events are regularly updated on Facebook at AHPublicSchools and Instagram at ahpublicschools. Information is also available at www.ahps.k12.va.us.