Policy Manual

These links will open the "chapters" of the policy manual.  Each chapter contains policies as appropriate. 

The "guiding light" of any school division is its policy manual.  Many policies are based on state and federal laws, state and federal regulations, and case law.  Legal references are provided at the end of each policy as appropriate.

All policies are reviewed on a periodic basis by the Alleghany Highlands School Board.  Policy reviews are included on many school board agendas accessible on our agendas tab.  AHPS plans provide insight as to the long-term vision of AHPS and are accessible on the plans page.

Not all AHPS operations and procedures are in the policy manual.  This is normal for school divisions as school divisions have many functions and serve many students.

The policies for the historic Alleghany County Public Schools and Covington City Public Schools remain available online (link: Archived Policies, Agendas, and Minutes - Alleghany Highlands Public Schools (ahps.k12.va.us)) with the same link including access to historic meeting agendas and minutes.  Historical records are also maintained at the AHPS office.

Further information on the policy development process through sample policies provided by the VSBA Policy Services can be found online.  (link:  Policy One Pager (vsba.org))  Further information about the VSBA can be found online.  (link:  VSBA Misconceptions)

Please contact your child's school or our central office if you are having trouble finding information you need.  The central office phone number is 540-863-1800.

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