Channels of Communication

Complaints and matters of concern

Any general complaint involving a particular school shall be handled at the school level through the established channel of responsibility. If the complaint cannot be resolved by the principal, it shall be referred to the appropriate central office administrator. If the central office staff and complainant cannot reach a satisfactory solution, the matter may be referred to the superintendent. In accordance with selected School Board policies and regulations, some matters may be referred to the School Board. In accordance with Virginia Code and School Board Policy, the School Board chairman shall determine if such matters shall be heard during closed session or during the regular open session.

Any parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the Alleghany Highlands Public Schools or any resident of Alleghany Highlands may also file a specific complaint regarding an employee of the Alleghany Highlands Public Schools. Such complaint will be filed with the school principal or the Director of Human Resources and Pupil Personnel as the superintendents’ designees. If the complaint involves allegations that an employee of the Alleghany Highlands Public Schools has abused or neglected a child in the course of his educational employment, the complaint will be investigated in accordance with Va.. Code §§ 63.1-1503 and 63.2-1505.

Individuals lodging a complaint will be sent a letter noting that the complaint has been received and is in the process of being investigated.

The complaint must be filed within 30 days after the alleged incident and should be processed after a reasonable period of time, normally within 60 days or less.

Reference School Board policies GBLA and KL.

General matters of public interest

Regular meetings of the Alleghany Highlands School Board generally are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The Board meets in the School Board Meeting Room of the Central office complex at 100 Central Circle, Low Moor, VA. 

The superintendent and the School Board Chairman are responsible for the preparation of the agenda and any other correspondence related to the Board. The superintendent may be contacted by phone Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at (540) 863-1811, by mail at P.O. Drawer 140, 100 Central Circle, Low Moor, VA, 24457, or by e-mail at [email protected]. The published agenda shall be finalized by 3:00 p.m. on the Wednesday which is eight working days prior to any School Board meeting. Any additions made to the agenda after it is finalized by the superintendent must be approved by the Chairman. All requests for additions to the agenda must be submitted to the superintendent or the Chairman prior to 12:00 Noon on the Wednesday which is three working days prior to any School Board meeting.

Persons wanting to address the School Board, and to be included on the published agenda, shall submit their request to the superintendent at least eight working days prior to the Board meeting. The superintendent will inquire as to the specifics of the topic. The superintendent will then report to the Chairman concerning the request. The Chairman will make the determination as to whether the topic will be included on the agenda, and whether it will be addressed during public session or during closed session. The Chairman is responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting and shall rule on such matters as the appropriateness of the subject being presented and length of time for such presentation. No one will be allowed to make additional presentations until everyone has an opportunity to make an initial presentation. All comments are limited to three minutes unless specified otherwise by the Chairman.

Reference School Board policies BDDH and KD.

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