VDH to Administer Vaccines to Rising Seventh and Twelfth Graders

VDH to Administer Vaccines to Rising Seventh and Twelfth Graders
Posted on 04/28/2023

LOW MOOR — The Alleghany County/Covington Health Department will be onsite in schools in May to administer vaccines to Alleghany Highlands Public Schools students who will enter grades 7 and 12 in the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.  

Students entering the seventh grade are required to receive Tdap, HPV, and Meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccines. Rising 12th graders must receive the Meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccine.  

However, parents have the right to opt their student out of required immunizations based on religious or medical exemptions. An explanation of exemptions granted under Virginia law can be found at https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title12/agency5/chapter110/section80/.

Health department personnel will be onsite at Alleghany High School and Clifton Middle  School on May 12 and May 16. The dates for Covington High School and Jeter-Watson Elementary School are May 17 and May 18.

Parents should call the health department at (540) 962-2173 to pre-register their student for the vaccine. Vaccine consent forms are available in the office of each school. The consent form must be completed with a signature from a parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years of age.

Insurance information can be written on the consent form, or a photocopy of a health insurance card can be attached to the form.

Parents with questions should contact the nurse at the school their student attends. VDH immunization requirements can be viewed at www.vdh.virginia.gov/immunization/requirements/. 

The Alleghany Highlands Public School Division is jointly funded by Alleghany County and the City of Covington. The school division serves approximately 2,700 students, and it was created through the July 1,2022, merger of Alleghany County Public Schools, Covington City Public Schools, and Jackson River Technical Center.

Division news and updates are regularly posted on Facebook at AHPublicSchools and at www.ahps.k12.va.us. 

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