Test results and videos for the Spring 2023 Non-Writing Test Administration will begin to post on Friday, April 28, 2023 in the Parent Portal. Test results will be available for all tests administered in the Spring 2023 Non-Writing Test Administration. Personalized videos will be available for each student that completed a Grades 3-8 Reading and/or Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment. Additionally, a short, non-personalized YouTube video that explains the information on a student's Non-Writing SOL test SDBQ Report, the VDOE Standards of Learning (SOL) SDBQ Overview, is available on the Parent & Caregiver Resources for Virginia Assessments page on the VDOE website. The Parent Portal will update each Friday throughout the Spring 2023 Non-Writing Tests Administration with results from tests completed during the previous week.
Due to constraints in storing personalized video overviews for multiple test administrations, onThursday, August 31, 2023all of the video overviews of the Student Detail by Question (SDBQ) Reports from Fall 2021 Growth Assessments, Spring 2022 SOL Non-Writing tests, Fall 2022 Growth Assessments, and Winter 2022/2023 Growth Assessments will be removed from the Parent Portal. The SDBQ Reports for growth assessments and Non-Writing SOL tests taken during those administrations will continue to be available in the Parent Portal.
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