As part of our vision for the future, Alleghany Highlands Public Schools is transitioning to a student-centered, technology-enriched learning environment. The use of technology and technology resources in instruction enhances individual and collaborative learning, student engagement, and student motivation to learn. In other words, students are empowered to be self-motivated learners. Staff and students have the opportunity to focus on real world learning opportunities that employ 21st-century skills. When students are provided real world learning opportunities in an enriched technological learning environment, the distinction between the uses of a device in instruction and the workforce almost disappears, preparing them for life after high school. Integrating technology into the curriculum on a daily basis provides the following:
- the ability for teachers to meet the diverse needs of learners;
- allows teachers to teach students who learn at different paces;
- empowers students’ intrinsic motivation for learning;
- enhances student participation;
- teachers become facilitators;
- develops 21st-century skills;
- multiple methods of assessment, beyond just the standardized multiple choice assessments;
- encourages students to work together in groups and teams;
- enhances and empowers creativity;
- makes connections to the real world;
- students are engaged in the learning process;
- makes learning meaningful;
- improves feedback; and
- prepares students for the future in the workforce.